Friday, June 13, 2014

Harmony of Spheres

Harmony of Spheres, also known as Music of Spheres or Musica Universalis, comes from ancient times.  It is mathematical and philosophical concept that expresses tones of energy resulting from numbers, angles, and shapes within pattern of proportion.  

The Pythagoras were the first to identify that pitch of musical note is proportional to length of string that makes it and intervals between frequencies form numerical ratios.  Back in these ancient times, musical notes were assigned to seven heavenly bodies in symbolic arrangements.  It was thought that sun, moon and planets have orbital resonance due to their orbits.

Then Kepler came along, interested in Harmony of Spheres and wanted to calculate them.  He noticed that ratios between planets’ extreme angular velocities were all harmonic intervals.  He wrote book called Musica Universalis that showed relationships between geometry, cosmology, and harmonics.

I thought this topic was cool because it combines geometry, physics and music.  Three things I enjoy.



  1. I like this post. I like it very much.

    I love that most everything in our physical world can be described by the laws of physics and math. I know I occasionally get caught up in my little bubble and forget how incredible our world actually is.

    Also, the pythagoreans were just really interesting.

    1. If you think patterns in nature are amazing, you ABSOLUTLY HAVE check out fractal cosmology. Here is a link to the lecture

  2. Great post! Really liked it. I'm still tuning my blog which i recently opened, it's in spanish, but I invite you to check out videos in english at my blogsite.

    I'll be looking forward to add your blog to my blog list. My blog is quite about the music of the spheres :)
